Chocolate Pudding Pie

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Chocolate Pudding Pie

This is actually two desserts in one. The pudding recipe can stand on its own and be served in dessert coupes or ramekins. Or make the pudding and fill a pie shell to construct this fabulous pie. Either way, it’s a win.

Serves 8

  • 1 pre-baked pie shell, cooled


  • 1 1⁄2 c milk

  • 3⁄4 c heavy cream

  • 3⁄4 c sugar

  • 3 T cocoa powder

  • 1⁄4 c cornstarch

  • 3 eggs

  • 1⁄2 t salt

  • 1 t vanilla

  • 3 oz bittersweet chocolate, chopped into small chunks

  • 2 T unsalted butter

Whipped Cream

  • 1 1⁄2 c heavy cream

  • 1 T confectioners sugar

  • 1 t vanilla

Heat milk and heavy cream over medium heat. Meanwhile, mix sugar, cornstarch, and cocoa in another bowl. Add eggs and salt to the sugar mix and whisk. Once the milk is hot and there are bubbles around the edge of the pan, temper the egg mix by adding about a half cup of hot milk to the eggs, stirring. Add another 1⁄2 cup of milk, stirring, then pour the entire mixture back into the pan. Cook over medium heat, whisking frequently, until pudding thickens and one or two bubbles appear on the surface. Add the chocolate and butter and whisk until melted and smooth. Remove pudding from the heat. Immediately strain into a heat proof bowl. Stir in vanilla. Pour pudding into the pie crust and smooth the top. Refrigerate 2 hours.

Whip cream with confectioners sugar and vanilla in a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Spread cream over chilled pie. Garnish with chocolate shavings.