April 5 – Hot Toddy & Cheesy Chive Bacon Balls

I am feeling nostalgic. Four weeks ago, I was cooking with my friend Soyoon. She was a guest chef at two of my cooking classes and we had so much fun and so much good food! You know life has gotten weird when you're nostalgic for a period only 4 weeks prior. It literally seems like a lifetime ago now. So today I am making her Korean Cucumber Salad. It’s sweet and spicy and sooo delicious.

As for #quarantinecocktail, I need something warm! Did I mention it’s raining hard in NorCal? So, in honor of the rain, and “hygge”, I’m having a Hot Toddy today and Cheesy Chive Bacon Balls (sounds bad but they taste so good!). Light some candles, light the fire if you have one, grab some warm socks and a sweater, light some candles, find a warm throw, and cuddle with someone you love.


Hot Toddy

Make this your own by playing with the proportions, making it as sweet or sour as you prefer. You can also steep a tea bag of your choice in the hot water for extra flavor. In the evenings, I often choose chamomile tea to add a dose of calm.

Makes 1 cocktail

  • 3⁄4 c hot water (bring to a boil then turn off)

  • 1 1⁄2 oz whisky (can substitute brandy or spiced rum)

  • 3-4 t honey, or more to taste

  • 3-4 t lemon juice, or more to taste

  • Garnish: lemon round and cinnamon stick

Pour the hot water into a mug. Add the whisky, honey, and lemon juice. Stir to melt the honey and taste for sweetness. Garnish with lemon and a cinnamon stick and enjoy the warmth.

Cheesy Chive Bacon Balls

This quick and easy appetizer has the advantage of being low-carb as well as delicious.

Makes about 25 balls

  • 8 oz soft goat cheese

  • 4 oz cream cheese

  • 1-2 pickled jalapeňo slices or pepperoncini, minced

  • 5 slices chopped cooked bacon

  • 2 t gochujang chili paste (or sriracha)

  • 1 T parsley, minced

  • 2 T chives, minced

  • 1 c seasoned almonds, I like Trader Joe’s Thai Lime

In a medium bowl, mix the cheeses with a wooden spoon or spatula until smooth. Add the peppers, bacon, chili paste, and herbs and mix again. Place mixture in refrigerator to chill and firm up for about 15 minutes.

Pulse the almonds in a food processor until finely ground, but don’t go too far or they’ll create a paste. You want almond crumbs.

Use a scoop, tablespoon, or melon-baller to form 1” diameter balls. Use wet hands to roll them into spheres. Roll balls in the almond powder to coat.