
This is an easy way to be a successful home bread baker. Although you can certainly use starter to make focaccia, this version is made with easily obtained yeast to make it more accessible to most bakers.

  • 2 t instant yeast or 2 1⁄4 t active dry yeast

  • 1 T honey

  • 5 T EVOO, divided

  • 4 c all purpose flour, extra for bench flour

  • 1 c whole wheat flour

  • 1 T kosher salt

  • Flaky sea salt

Whisk together the yeast, honey, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and 2 1⁄2 cups lukewarm water in a large bowl. (NOTE: If you are using active dry yeast, proof it by letting this mixture sit for about 5 minutes. When the yeast is foamy, proceed with the recipe. If it doesn’t foam, bubble, become active, you need new yeast). Add the flour and salt and stir with a spoon or spatula to create a shaggy dough. Cover bowl with plastic or a clean kitchen towel and let it rest for 1-2 hours.

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Knead dough about 2 minutes until it’s smooth and taut, incorporating a little flour as needed. Oil the same bowl and return dough to the bowl. Cover and let rise 1 hour.

Liberally oil a sheet pan (about 12”x17”) using about 2 T olive oil. Turn the dough out into the pan and gently coax it into a rectangle. Try not to stretch it too much, and it doesn’t have to fit all the way into the corners of the pan. As it proofs, it will grow and expand. Cover surface with 2 T olive oil and let it proof in a warm spot for 30 minutes, until it looks puffed up. Preheat oven to 425 (use convection setting if you have it).

Dimple to top of the dough with your fingertips. Add vegetables now if creating a “garden”, see Note below. Add more olive oil (1-2 T) and sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Bake for 35-40 until golden brown.

NOTE: to decorate using vegetables (focaccia garden), choose brightly colored vegetables and cut them into the shapes you will use. It may help to draw your design on paper first, to solidify your ideas. Soak tender herbs in lemon water to help them hold their color. Cut cherry tomatoes in half and drain seeds before using. Green onions and chives make great stems. Be sure to cut stems wider than you want to because they will contract during baking.